: hola guapas! finally my camera works so hopefully can take pictures, especially now that I cut my hair, so I hope you enjoyed the weekend and wish all have a great start of the week, puss! x
: the past weeks I been in a dilema of hair, for long time I was thinking doing something in my hair, first was trying like ombre hair, but then I realize how much I love my natural hair color so I discard the idea, a few weeks back my boyfriend suggest me to have bangs something that I haven't done since I was child, much time thinking I finally decided to make the appointment with my hairstylist. So tomorrow I will have my new look, hope look good on my! x
: hello guapas! HAPPY NEW YEAR I know it was over a week but I wasn't able to blog , with all the holidays I decided to enjoy time with my love ones, but I'm back for good now! puss. x