
oh gosh.

: weheartit. x


Invítame a pasarme por el lado salvaje..

: donde yo no tenga que llevar maquillaje. x (ph. me)



: Gestuz Spring 2011 LB. x


G o r d i t a. .

: Yesterday was a very difficult day because my doctor told me I have to gain weight, can you believe it!!!. To be honest I've always been thin and believe it or not I eat a lot but it seems that is not enough, so now I'll have to eat five meals a day (and I mean large amounts of food) and see what happens. puss . x

:Igår var en mycket svår dag eftersom min läkare sa att jag måste gå upp i vikt, kan du tro det! !. För att vara ärlig har jag alltid varit tunn och tro det eller ej jag äter mycket men det verkar som inte är tillräckligt, så nu ska jag få äta fem måltider per dag (och jag menar stora mängder mat) och se vad händer. puss. x


disappear, just for a moment..

: I would love to be at this time on an island alone with you (via 5inchandup). x


dont wait up for me, love..

: because it's Lördag.


out the box

: I just found this old photo on my computer, oh memories!. x


s & m

: have spent my morning in bed. Now I will eat some tomato soup and then gonna read a book. puss. x


hand in hand

: de senaste dagarna var mycket tung jag var tvungen att göra inventering på jobbet och var mycket galen. Jag äntligen få lite vila och jag är tillbaka hemma, är det dags att äta något,puss. x

: these past days were very heavy I had to do inventory at work and was very crazy. I finally get some rest and I'm back at home, it's time to eat something, puss. x


every night's a friday night

: I'm gonna chill with my favorite girls w/ some drinks & pizza, and then who know?. C'mon it's FREDAG !!. x


so pick up your party bag.

: I had an amazing meal with the best boy and best friend in the world Leo, and then proceed to celebrate Dia de reyes with my favorite girls. puss. x


trop belle, trop jolie.

: sleep at eleven. kinder eggs for breakfast. some morning quality time with mami. incredibly reading. borrowed some movies. had a cozy dinner with mami. took a long shower. and now I am lying here with my puppy. and wet hair. the downloads songs a bit then meet up with Mr. Morfeo. puss. x


so young but so cold

: these past days have been very cold, just makes you want to be in bed all day and watching movies or reading a good book, of course all accompanied by good food. x


oh father i have sinned

: ineedsomethingstrongrightnow. x
p.s. I just realized I did not have comments enabled, so sorry. x


I was born to get wiiild.

: I have a bit of insomnia, I think it wasn't good idea to take a nap of 4 hours, here's what wore on New Year's (except the bag). x


we don't sleep when the sun goes down

: Amazing night w/ handsome boys. Sorry for the bad quality of those ph. x