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: My New Year resolution is to socialize more with people I love. x

: feeling a little tired, yet I have no idea what i'm gonna wear tomorrow, I'd better decide soon. x
: I'm busy doing nothing. Viewing movies, eating and spend days in pajamas . Now you know. I promise a little better update soon and when I go home and see him I thought, shoot some nice Christmas gifts I received this year. (Had apparently been very good girl this year) so stay tuned and enjoy the Christmas season. x

: I wish all happy holidays and to have a wonderful time with your loved ones. x

: I'm high with happiness. There are no words to describe how I feel at the moment. Knowing that it will be Christmas holiday tomorrow. Twenty-four days of freedom and twenty-four nights beside my handsome. There you are. Unbeatable. Tomorrow I will fix them last Christmas presents. Share some Christmas presents. attending tron at 21:15 with my prince. Perfect start to the holidays if you ask me. x
: Herregud, har denna vecka varit oerhört tung, för mycket arbete, men kommer snart att jul och jag tar en paus. under tiden jag önskar alla lycklig semester. x
: oh my god, this week has been extremely heavy, too much work, but will soon be Christmas and I'll take a rest. in the meantime I wish all happy holidays. x

: extremely happy, soon I'll be on tj. x
: hur mycket jag älskar dig. x
: another sunday, it's time to relax. ph wildfox. x
: buenos dias!. It's time for me to have a delicious breakfast. x
: Sorry for the missing updating , but I just realized that only two weeks away for Christmas, I haven't done any Christmas shopping, but on Monday i will get it to that, in the meantime I wish all a good day. x

: gentlemens club, flickr . x