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: back home. getting ready for a full week of work. x

: i'm back, last week was so frustrating, thank god today is my day off, sadly i will work on saturday, the good side is that only for 4hrs. x
: I spend my Sunday on bed resting from a week with a lot of work. x
: tonight we gonna party all night. x
: it's Sunday, time to spend curled up in bed with handsome boyfriend. x
: im gonna get my bfff Marco wasted, because we gonna celebrated his b-day. x

: i'm gonna take a delicious nap. by the way, am i the only one craving junkfood?. x
: Today I woke up in a warm bed. ate a pizza with Steffy who came to visit. studied a little French and relaxed on the sofa, now I'm sitting here listening to Devendra. will soon take a nice shower and relax a bit more on the sofa in front of a good movie or something. puss. x
: It's monday and the weather is cold with a little rain, I wish to stay in bed all day. x
: Tacka gud är fredag! My sweet inspiration for tonight, I'm gonna hanging out to night with my handsome bf. x