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: My New Year resolution is to socialize more with people I love. x

: feeling a little tired, yet I have no idea what i'm gonna wear tomorrow, I'd better decide soon. x
: I'm busy doing nothing. Viewing movies, eating and spend days in pajamas . Now you know. I promise a little better update soon and when I go home and see him I thought, shoot some nice Christmas gifts I received this year. (Had apparently been very good girl this year) so stay tuned and enjoy the Christmas season. x

: I wish all happy holidays and to have a wonderful time with your loved ones. x

: I'm high with happiness. There are no words to describe how I feel at the moment. Knowing that it will be Christmas holiday tomorrow. Twenty-four days of freedom and twenty-four nights beside my handsome. There you are. Unbeatable. Tomorrow I will fix them last Christmas presents. Share some Christmas presents. attending tron at 21:15 with my prince. Perfect start to the holidays if you ask me. x
: Herregud, har denna vecka varit oerhört tung, för mycket arbete, men kommer snart att jul och jag tar en paus. under tiden jag önskar alla lycklig semester. x
: oh my god, this week has been extremely heavy, too much work, but will soon be Christmas and I'll take a rest. in the meantime I wish all happy holidays. x

: extremely happy, soon I'll be on tj. x
: hur mycket jag älskar dig. x
: another sunday, it's time to relax. ph wildfox. x
: buenos dias!. It's time for me to have a delicious breakfast. x
: Sorry for the missing updating , but I just realized that only two weeks away for Christmas, I haven't done any Christmas shopping, but on Monday i will get it to that, in the meantime I wish all a good day. x

: gentlemens club, flickr . x
: these past days i been shopping shoes like crazy, but it's time to save for Christmas shopping. x

: finally my last day of work this week, black friday was crazy. It is time to rest and eat, puss!

: i just got these darlings, they're amazing. x

: senaste veckan har varit så svårt för mig, förhoppningsvis kan jag koppla av i helgen och umgås med mina nära och kära. x

: perfect sexy dresses, gimme some of that. x

: back home. getting ready for a full week of work. x

: i'm back, last week was so frustrating, thank god today is my day off, sadly i will work on saturday, the good side is that only for 4hrs. x
: I spend my Sunday on bed resting from a week with a lot of work. x
: tonight we gonna party all night. x
: it's Sunday, time to spend curled up in bed with handsome boyfriend. x
: im gonna get my bfff Marco wasted, because we gonna celebrated his b-day. x

: i'm gonna take a delicious nap. by the way, am i the only one craving junkfood?. x
: Today I woke up in a warm bed. ate a pizza with Steffy who came to visit. studied a little French and relaxed on the sofa, now I'm sitting here listening to Devendra. will soon take a nice shower and relax a bit more on the sofa in front of a good movie or something. puss. x
: It's monday and the weather is cold with a little rain, I wish to stay in bed all day. x
: Tacka gud är fredag! My sweet inspiration for tonight, I'm gonna hanging out to night with my handsome bf. x
: Hej kaniner, jag tänker ändra min header, något som vilda & Belle, eftersom jag anser är dags för en liten förändring. Under tiden kan jag säga att vädret har varit lite galen den här veckan är vi på hösten och det verkar som att även vi var på sommaren, även om jag måste erkänna att det har sina positiva sidan kan jag spendera mer tid i solen, äta glass och njuta av poolen. Men förhoppningsvis snart jag kan njuta av hösten kläder. x
: Hello bunnies, i was thinking about change my header, something like wild&belle, because i think is time for a little change. Meanwhile, I can say that the weather has been a little crazy this week, we are in autumn and it seems that even we were in summer, although I must confess that it has its positive side, I can spend more time in the sun, eating ice cream and enjoy the pool. But hopefully soon I can enjoy of the fall clothes. x
: Autumn starts tomorrow, I'm excited another excuse to buy more clothes. x